Berikut cuplikan sebuah percakapan interview dalam bahasa inggris untuk sebuah lowongan kerja di hotel.
percakapan interview dalam bahasa inggris
Sinta’s Job Interview
Sinta : Excuse me, Sir. May I come in?
Alfon : Yes. Please, come in and have a seat.
Sinta : Thank you, Sir.
Alfon : So, your name is Sinta, right?
Sinta : Yes, that is right, Sir.
Alfon : Very well, my name is Alfon. I am the head of the human resource department of this hotel company.
Sinta : Nice to meet you, Sir.
Alfon : How are you this morning, Sinta?
Sinta : I’m perfectly fine, Sir. Thank you, and how about you?
Alfon : I’m fine too. Thank you. Did you get caught under the rain on your way coming here, Sinta? It rained this morning.
Sinta : it was just a cloudy day in my place, Sir. It didn’t rain when I left my house to come here. So, the rain must have stopped before I arrived here.
Alfon : I see, I’m happy for you.
Sinta : Thank you, Sir.
Alfon : So, do you know what we are going to do, Sinta?
Sinta : Yes, Sir. I was emailed and called by phone in order to have a job interview session from this company three days ago. So, now here I’m going to be having an interview job session with you.
Alfon : Very well. Can you tell me about your self, Sinta?
Sinta : My name is Sinta Rahmawati. I’m 23 years old. I graduated from one of State Universities in Bandung. I took hotel-management as my major. I love travelling and singing. Travelling and singing both improve my health mentally and physically.
Alfon : You applied to be our Junior Hotel Manager. Do you have any experience of this job?
Sinta : No, Sir. I am a fresh graduate. This is my first time to apply a full time job.
Alfon : What makes you decide to apply for Junior Hotel Manager position?
Sinta : I think Junior Hotel Manager is an appropriate job position for me. I find it attractive and interesting as well. Due to the hotel-management major I took, I’m sure that my skills and talents will be conducive to this company’s success. I can also see a bright future of my career by joining this company.
Alfon : Very well. So, what is your strength and weakness point?
Sinta : My strength is my cheerfulness, my carefulness, my strong will to learn new things, and my skill to work under pressures and as a team. My weakness is my phobia of dark.
Alfon : Well, it was a great time to have a little talk with you, Sinta. We will announce the result of your interview in a week. Thank you for coming here.
Sinta : Yes. Thank you, Sir.
Glossaries percakapan interview dalam bahasa inggris
Please, have a seat = silahkan duduk
Head of human resource department = kepala departemen sumber daya manusia
Get caught under the rain = Kehujanan/Terkena hujan
I was emailed : Saya dikirim pesan email
Job interview session = Sesi wawancara kerja
State Universities = Universitas Negeri
hotel-management = manajemen hotel
Major = jurusan (pendidikan)
Mentally and physically = Secara mental dan secara fisik
Junior Hotel Manager = Manajer Hotel Junior
fresh graduate = orang yang baru lulus dari perguruan tinggi
full time job = pekerjaan penuh waktu
appropriate = Sesuai/cocok
attractive / interesting = menarik
Due to = karena
conducive to = berguna bagi
strength and weakness = kekuatan dan kelemahan
cheerfulness = Keriangan/kegembiraan
carefulness = kehati-hatian/ ketelitian
strong will = tekad yang kuat
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