Dialog permintaan maaf dalam bahasa inggris ini awalnya berat
dilakukan karena perasaan bersalah apalagi mengakuinya bahkan kemudian
meminta maaf adalah ketakutan tersendiri. Tetapi meminta maaf atas
sebuah kesalahan bukanlah merupakan dosa justru merupakan bentuk
kejantanan. Demikian yang dilakukan Fahri dengan meminta maaf atas
kesalahannya memecahkan vas bunga milik Ana.
Dialog Permintaan Maaf dalam Bahasa Inggris I Am Sorry For the Vase
[Fahri meeting up with Ana]Fahri : Hey, Ana!
Ana : Hey there, Fahri!
Fahri : I thought you didn’t have time to come here earlier.
Ana : Actually I didn’t, just like I said on the phone earlier that I had another appointment with my friend today. But, right after that she texted me that she couldn’t go with me because her grandmother suddenly got sick and she with her entire family had to visit her.
Fahri : Oh, I see then. So, I hope I am not ruining your whole day by asking you out to come here, Ana.
Ana : Ha ha~. That is really fine, Fahri. I am free of business today since my first plan was canceled.
Fahri : I’m glad to hear that.
Ana : So, you said earlier on the phone that there was something you wanted to tell me. What is it, Fahri? Why didn’t you speak it up on the phone?
Fahri : Yes. Um…. Uh…. Umm… Ana… *Fahri’s hands are shaking. He looks wrought-up of what he is about to say*
Ana : Yes?
Fahri : Do you remember the vase you made at art class?
Ana : Um? Do you mean my broken vase?
Fahri : Yes… that broken beautiful vase.
Ana : Yes. Why? Is there anything wrong with that vase?
Fahri : Yes…. It’s me…. *Fahri shuts his eyes, he gets sweaty and looks very nervous and scared*
Ana : Huh? You…?
Fahri : I beg you, Ana. Please, do not be mad for everything I’m saying. Will you?
Ana : Huh? You are funny, Fahri. How can I react to anything you say if I don’t even know what it is.
Fahri : [Fahri keeps silent]
Ana : Just speak up, Fahri! I promise I won’t kill you. *Ana chuckles*
Fahri : Speaking of the broken vase of yours. I… I’m…
Ana : Yes?
Ana : You? Broke my vase?
Fahri : Yes, Ana. I’m really sorry about this. I don’t know how to tell you. The one who broke your vase that time was me. I accidentally brushed against your vase with my elbow and made it fall off to the floor and broken. But, I didn’t recant since I was terrified you would be so angry at me. I don’t have any idea how to pay this off. I wish I can do anything you want from me to atone for my wrongdoing.
Ana : Ha ha ha. Okay, okay, It really is fine. I accept your apology, Fahri. I’m glad to see you finally confess of what you’ve done.
Fahri : You’re not mad, Ana?
Ana : No, Fahri. *Ana smiles* I can just make another vase.
Fahri : Is there anything I can do to pay for my mistake?
Ana : Well, will you help me remake my vase?
Fahri : SURE! I WILL TRY MY BEST FOR IT! * Fahri’s eyes are wide open* Thank you Ana for forgiving me!
Glossaries Dialog Permintaan Maaf dalam Bahasa Inggris
Earlier = tadi, barusan tadiAppointment = Janji
Glad = Senang
Speak up = membicarakan, mengemukakan (langsung)
wrought-up = gugup, gelisah
what he is about to say = apa yang dia akan segera katakan
broken vase = vas yang rusak/ hancur
get sweaty = berkeringat
looks very nervous and scared = terlihat sangat gelisah dan ketakutan
I beg you = aku mohon padamu
Mad = marah, kesal
react to = bereaksi pada
keeps silent = tetap diam
chuckle = tertawa kecil
brushed against = menyenggol
recant = mengakui kesalahan
pay off = membayar (di sini maksudnya atas kesalahan)
atone for = menebus kesalahan
forgive = memaafkan
wrongdoing = perbuatan salah
confess = mengakui
remake = membuat ulang
Try my best for it = berusaha yang terbaik untuk itu
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